

Take the first step to becoming a CASA advocate:


We know that it can be hard to find the right resources to help the child(ren) and families in your case. This is a list of resources for you as an advocate that you might find helpful. (NOTE: Please consult with your supervisor before recommending or pursuing a particular resource with your CASA child(ren) or family.)

Websites for Finding Resources – Two websites that are very useful for finding local resources are https://www.findhelp.org/ and https://www.211texas.org/. If you don’t find what you are looking for on this page, these websites may help you find what you need.

Substance abuse rehabilitation and/or treatment is typically assigned by the court in these cases. Advocates should defer to the plan and treatment assigned and required by the court. If there are concerns about what the court has assigned, they should be addressed to the court in consultation with your supervisor.

Resource for advocates that may need to speak with children or teens about digital safety:
NetSmartz PowerPoints, Tip Sheets, & Videos (educational tools regarding children and adolescent online safety)

DFPS Texas Youth Connectionhttps://www.dfps.state.tx.us/txyouth/





